한국환경과학회, 미용 전후 반려견 체온변화를 통한 미용의 당위성
- 돌봄
- 2024. 3. 16.
편집자 주
이 논문은 개 체온에 미치는 미용의 영향을 조사한 연구에 관한 것입니다. 연구에 따르면 미용은 암컷과 수컷 개 모두의 체온을 낮춥니다. 연구에는 6주 동안 미용된 120마리의 개가 참여했습니다. 개는 오전 10시에 미용 전후에 측정되었으며 3시간 후에 다시 측정되었습니다. 연구에 따르면 털이 길수록 미용 후의 체온이 더 많이 떨어졌습니다.
미용 전, 후에 반려견의 체온변화를 통한 미용의 당위성
Justification of Beauty through Changes in Body Temperature of Dogs Before and After Beauty Treatment
약어 : JESI
2023, vol.32, no.2, pp. 145-148 (4 pages)
DOI : 10.5322/JESI.2023.32.2.145
발행기관 : 한국환경과학회
연구분야 : 자연과학 > 지구과학
최한결 / Han-Gyel, Choi / 전주기전대학교 반려동물과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in body temperature of canine via their hair lengths before and after grooming.
A total of 120 companion canines were used in this study for a total of 6 weeks, and 20 dogs each week consisted of both 10 poodles and 10 malteses (five females and males).
For accurate temperature measurement, the anal depth was measured at approximately 1.5 cm. Temperature before and after grooming was measured at 10 am and after more than three hours, respectively.
There was statistical significance (p<0.05) in body temperature changes for male poodles at 1, 2, and 3 weeks and for female poodles at 1, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, and the total period showed a statistical difference for both male and female poodles (p<0.05).
In addition, male and female malteses had an effect (p<0.05) on changes in body temperature at 1 and 6 weeks and only at 4 weeks, respectively.
For total period, there was a statistical difference in male and female poodles (p<0.05).
Moreover, when the temperature changes of females were compared, there was no remarkable difference.
In conclusion, the body temperatures of both male and female dogs according to the length of their hair were lower after grooming than before grooming.
The measurement of body temperature three hours after grooming, which could reduce stress or other factors, is judged to be able to help customers who are worried about clipping.
* 논문정보 : 한국학술지인용색인(KCI)