한국환경과학회, 펫푸드 테린의 가공방법에 따른 반려견의 선호도 조사

편집자 주

이 논문은 실험을 통해 반려동물 사료 테린에 대한 개들의 선호도에 대한 것입니다. 요리된 테린과 냉동건조 테린, 그리고 다양한 육류 맛에 대한 선호도를 논의합니다. 연구에 따르면 개는 요리된 테린을 냉동건조 테린보다 선호하고, 육류 맛을 야채보다 선호합니다. 모든 실험에서 개는 먼저 고기를 선호하고 다음으로 야채를 선호했습니다.



펫푸드 테린의 가공방법에 따른 반려견의 선호도 조사


펫푸드 테린의 가공방법에 따른 반려견의 선호도 조사

Canine Preferences for Pet Food Terrine Based on the Processing Method


약어 : JESI

2024, vol.33, no.2, pp. 179-185 (7 pages)

발행기관 : 한국환경과학회

연구분야 : 자연과학 > 지구과학

(사)한국반려동물자연주의협회 서윤선 / Yoon-Sun Seo



This study aimed to evaluate the differences in canine preferences for pet food terrine* according to the processing method.

* terrine : 테린(잘게 썬 고기·생선 등을 그릇에 담아 단단히 다져지게 한 뒤 차게 식힌 다음 얇게 썰어 전채요리로 내는 음식)


As companion dogs, three male Spitz canines(average age 12years, average weight 7kg) and three male Spitz mix canines(average age 12years, average weight 5kg) were used in Experiment 1, whereas five male(average age 10years, average weight 9kg) and five female Shetland Sheepdogs(Sheltie, average age 10years, average weight 8kg) were used in Experiment 2, to evaluate their preferences and intake types.


In both experiments, all dog categories mostly preferred 'meat' when it came to their first choice of food consumed, followed by 'vegetables', 'mixed eating', and 'vegetable leftover*' last.

* leftover : Usually leftovers. food remaining uneaten at the end of a meal, especially when saved for later use.


This confirms means that canines are carnivores*, and over time, choosing 'vegetables' or 'vegetable leftovers' as a secondary or alternate food source can be considered a natural process.

* carnivores : 육식동물


When provided various terrines, canines in both experiments first ingested 'cooked' rather than 'freeze-dried' duck, chicken, beef, and pork terrines when selecting food at the start of feeding.


For both experiments, most of the intake types using duck, chicken, beef, and pork terrine showed a preference for 'after consuming cooked terrine first and then intake freeze-dried' item.


In conclusion, the reason for preferring cooked terrine can be attributed to the difference in the preparation cooking method of freeze-dried cooked terrine.

* 논문정보 : 한국학술지인용색인(KCI)

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