프로바이오틱스를 첨가한 반려동물 사료 개발에 관한 연구 및 현황

프로바이오틱스를 첨가한 반려동물 사료 개발에 관한 연구 및 현황


프로바이오틱스를 첨가한 반려동물 사료 개발에 관한 연구 및 현황: 총설

Research and Status on the Development of Companion Animal Food with the Addition of Probiotics: A Review

Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology

약어 : JMSB

2023, vol.41, no.4, pp. 179-190 (12 pages)

발행기관 : 한국낙농식품응용생물학회

연구분야 : 농수해양학 > 축산학

김현주 / kimhyunju / 부천대학교

천정환 / Jungwhan Chon / 인제대학교

오형석 / OH HYUNGSUK / 건국대학교

김현진 / Hyeon-jin Kim / 건국대학교

정은아 / 건국대학교 수의과대학 및 원헬스연구소

서건호 / Kun-Ho Seo / 건국대학교

송광영 / Kwangyoung Song / 서정대학교



Currently, various probiotics are being used to improve the nutrition of companion animals.


They are widely sold as additives in companion animal foods because of the numerous gastrointestinal and immune health benefits for dogs and cats.


Therefore, extensive research is being conducted to improve quality and safety during manufacturing and to extend the shelf life of companion animal foods by adding probiotics.


The manu facturing process must be conducted such that the characteristics and efficacy of probiotics added to food are optimally beneficial for companion animals.


Therefore, this review aims to address the overall characteristics of the probiotic strains used and to examine the various methods through which probiotics are added to companion animal foods.

* 정보 출처 : 한국학술지인용색인 (KCI)

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