세계 각국의 켄넬클럽 현황
- 돌봄
- 2021. 2. 3.
- Dog Breeds of Argentina Federación Cinológica Argentina
- Dog Breeds of Australia ankc Australian National Kennel Council
- Dog Breeds of Austria Österreichischer Kynologenverband
- Dog Breeds of Belgium Union Royale Cynologique Saint Hubert
- Dog Breeds of the World, based in Belgium Federation Cynologique Internationale fci
- Dog Breeds of Bielorussia Belorussian Cynological Union (BCU)
- Dog Breeds of British Dependent Territory of Gibraltar Gibraltar Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Canada ckc Canadian Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Chile Kennel Club de Chile
- Dog Breeds of Colombia Asociación Club Canino Colombiano
- Dog Breeds of Costa Rica Asociación Canófila Costarricense
- Dog Breeds of Croatia Hrvatski Kinoloski Savez
- Dog Breeds of Czechia Ceskomoravská Kynologická Unie
- Dog Breeds of Denmark Dansk Kennel Klub
- Dog Breeds of Equador Asociación Ecuatoriana de Registros Caninos
- Dog Breeds of Estonia Eesti Kennelliit
- Dog Breeds of Finland Suomen Kennelliitto - Finska Kennelklubben
- Dog Breeds of France Société Centrale Canine pour l’Amélioration des Races de Chiens en France
- Dog Breeds of Germany Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen
- Dog Breeds of Great Britain uk Kennel Club of the United Kingdom (representing Dog Breeds of worldwide origins - not especially from Great Britain)
- Dog Breeds of Hong–Kong Hong-Kong Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Hungary Kennel Club of Hungary
- Dog Breeds of Iceland Hundareaktarfelag Islands - The Iceland Kennel Clu
- Dog Breeds of Israel Israel Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Italy Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana
- Dog Breeds of Japan jkc Japan Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Korea kkc kkf Korean Kennel Club Korean Kennel Federation
- Dog Breeds of Latvia (Lettonie) Latvijas Kinologiska Federacija
- Dog Breeds of Lithuania Lietuvos Kinologu Draugija
- Dog Breeds of Luxembourg Union Cynologique Saint Hubert du Grand Duché de Luxembourg
- Dog Breeds of Malaysia Malaysian Kennel Association
- Dog Breeds of Malta Malta Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of The Netherlands Kennel Club of The Netherlands
- Dog Breeds of New Zealand nzkc New Zealand Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Norway Kennel Club of Norway
- Dog Breeds of Peru Kennel Club Peruano
- Dog Breeds of the Philipines Asian Kennel Club of the Philipines
- Dog Breeds of Poland Zwiazek Kynologiczny w Polsce
- Dog Breeds of Portugal Clube Portugés de Canicultura
- Dog Breeds of Romania Asociatia Chinologica Romana
- Dog Breeds of Russia rkf Russian Kynological Federation
- Dog Breeds of San Marino Kennel Club San Marino
- Dog Breeds of Scotland Kennel Club of Scotland
- Dog Breeds of Singapore Singapore Kennel Club
- Dog Breeds of Slovakia Slovenska Kynologicka Jednota
- Dog Breeds of Slovenia Kinoloska Zveza Slovenije
- Dog Breeds of South Africa saku Kennel Union of South Africa
- Dog Breeds of Spain Real Sociedad Central de Fomento de Razas Caninas en España directory
- Dog Breeds of Sweden Svenska Kennelklubben
- Dog Breeds of Taiwan Kennel Club of Taiwan
- Dog Breeds of The United States (all represent Dog Breeds of worldwide origins - not especially from the US) The American Kennel Club akc The American Rarebreed Association arbaThe United Kennel Club ukc
- Dog Breeds of Uruguay Kennel Club Uruguayo
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