한국의상디자인학회, 반려견 옷에 대한 소비자의식 및 구매성향에 관한 연구
- 산업
- 2024. 1. 18.
펫패션 제품(반려견 옷)에 대한 소비자의식 및 구매성향에 관한 연구
A Study on Consumer Consciousness and Purchasing Tendency on Pet Fashion Products(Dog Clothes)
2023, vol.25, no.3, pp. 31-39 (9 pages)
DOI : 10.30751/kfcda.2023.25.3.31
발행기관 : 한국의상디자인학회
연구분야 : 예술체육학 > 의상
정명희 / Chung Myung Hee / 서정대학교
This paper aimed to provide the basic data on consumers' awareness, behavioral patterns, and purchase methods for pet fashion(dog clothes).
Research was conducted in April 2023 among 183 college students from universities in the Gyeonggi-do region.
The analysis results are presented below.
When asked if they think clothes are a daily necessity for dogs, 74.3% recognized clothes as a daily necessity for dogs. The biggest purpose of clothing for dogs was 'physical health (prevention of cold/heat, etc.)' with 60.1%.
96.7% of the respondents were very positive about the development prospects for the pet fashion industry.
46.4% of the subjects were currently living with a dog, and 30.6% of the subjects have lived with a dog for 'less than 1-3 years'.
93.0% of college students who live with a dog own dog clothes.
As for the dog's clothing style, T-shirt styles without a slit were the most common at 33.6%.
81.0% of companion dog owners were found to dress their dogs when going out, and the most common reason was 'physical health (prevention of cold/heat, etc.)' at 76.6%.
When purchasing dog clothes, 72.2% of the subjects considered 'fitting with the dog/convenience', and 27.8% were 'focusing on the companion's taste'.
As for how to purchase dog clothes, 39.2% chose 'store visits and online purchases', 34.2% chose 'store visits and purchases', and 26.6% chose 'online purchases'.
As for the most considered part when purchasing clothes for dogs, 51.9% identified 'design' and 39.2% identified 'material'.
80.7% of respondents said they would increase the purchase of dog clothes in the future.
* 정보 출처 : 한국학술지인용색인 (KCI)
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