The American Legion launches virtual fitness event to support disabled veterans and military families

  • Second annual 100 Miles for Hope challenge promotes wellness and supports The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation.


American Legion National Commander James W. "Bill" Oxford this morning kicked off the organization's second annual 100 Miles for Hope, a virtual fitness event with proceeds going to help disabled veterans and military families in need of assistance.


"The first 100 Miles for Hope exceeded expectations in every way, getting American Legion Family members active amid the pandemic while raising funds and awareness for the American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF)," Oxford said. "We raised about $150,000 last year for the foundation, and our goal this year is to double that."


All proceeds from this year's fitness and wellness challenge registrations, merchandise sales and donations go toward the V&CF.


올해 피트니스 및 웰빙 챌린지 등록, 상품 판매 및 기부금의 모든 수익은 V&CF로 전달된다.



image : The American Legion National Headquarters 페이스북


There are two options to register: on a new smartphone app that allows participants to track activities and encourage donations from supporters, and via The American Legion's merchandising unit, Emblem Sales. Details on both options and more information is available on the 100 miles web page,


Oxford noted an important change in the second annual event. This year, participants who sign up with the app will have the ability to track activities instead of miles. This opens up the challenge to everyone, regardless of fitness level. There are more than 40 activities to choose from, including walking, running, cycling, swimming, yoga, pet fitness, volunteering, advocacy, pickleball and more. And, if your activity is not listed — riding a motorcycle or gardening, for example — you can manually enter it as long as it lasts for at least 30 minutes.


옥스포드는 두 번째 연례 행사에서 중요한 변화를 주목했다. 올해 앱에 가입한 참가자는 마일 대신 활동을 추적할 수 있다. 이것은 체력 수준에 관계없이 모든 사람에게 도전을 열어준다. 걷기, 달리기, 사이클링, 수영, 요가, 반려동물 피트니스, 자원봉사, 옹호, 피클 볼 등을 포함하여 선택할 수 있는 40 개 이상의 활동이 있다. 그리고 활동이 목록에 없는 경우 (예 : 오토바이 타기 또는 정원 가꾸기) 최소 30분 동안 지속되는 한 수동으로 입력할 수 있다.



The foundation, created in 1925, has delivered over $30 million in financial assistance for disabled veterans, military families and young people who lost parents in service to America. Income from foundation investments is used to fund the work of accredited American Legion service officers who provide free assistance to all disabled veterans who require help in navigating the VA system to receive their earned benefits. Additionally, contributions to the V&CF support the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance program, which provides funds to families with minor children of active duty military personnel or qualified veterans.


1925년에 설립된 이 재단은 미국에 봉사하면서 부모를 잃은 장애 재향군인, 군인 가족 및 청소년을 위해 3천만 달러 이상의 재정 지원을 제공했다. V&CF에 대한 기부는 현역 군인의 미성년 자녀가 있거나 자격을 갖춘 재향군인이 있는 가족에게 자금을 제공하는 American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance 프로그램을 지원한다.



About The American Legion


The American Legion is the largest wartime veterans service organization with nearly 2 million members in 12,875 posts across the nation. Chartered by Congress in 1919, The American Legion is committed to mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome community programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security and continued devotion to servicemembers and veterans.


American Legion은 전국에 걸쳐 12,875개의 게시물에 약 2백만 명의 회원을 보유한 가장 큰 전쟁 참전용사 서비스 조직이다. 1919년 의회가 승인한 The American Legion은 청소년을 멘토링하고 건전한 지역 사회 프로그램을 후원하고, 애국심과 명예를 옹호하고, 강력한 국가안보를 장려하고, 군인과 참전 용사에 대한 지속적인 헌신에 전념하고 있다.



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