생활과학연구논총, 온도조절이 가능한 반려동물용 스마트 넥게이터 개발 연구

온도조절이 가능한 반려동물용 스마트 넥게이터 개발 연구


온도조절이 가능한 반려동물용 스마트 넥게이터 개발 연구

Research on the Development of Temperature-Adjustable Smart Neck Gaiter for Companion Animal


2023, vol.27, no.3, pp. 1-12 (12 pages)

DOI : 10.36357/johe.2023.27.3.1

발행기관 : 충북대학교 생활과학연구소

연구분야 : 자연과학 > 생활과학

김수지 / Kim Suji / 경북대

조석호 / CHO SEOK HO / 전남대학교




Objectives: With the increasing number of households raismg companion dogs in South Korea, pet tech products and services that use advanced technology to assist in pet care have been developed.


However, there are few published studies on smart clothing with temperature control, which is necessary to maintain the health of pets. Therefore, in this study, we developed a temperature-adjustable smart neck gaiter for companion dogs.


The main objective of this research is to fabricate smart clothing for dogs that can actively regulate body temperature using Peltier devices that can be cooled and heated.



We designed and manufactured a temperature-adjustable smart textile in the form of a neck gaiter that wraps around the neck, considering the activity and comfort of pets.


For the dog's hygiene, nonwashable components, such as Peltier devices and batteries, were also designed to be detachable for repeated washing.


We tested the prototype of the temperature-controlled neck gaiter on an actual dog to confirm that it does not cause stress.



In this study, a smart neck gaiter that can actively adjust the temperature of dogs was implemented using Peltier devices.


The smart neck gaiter is designed to allow dogs to perform various activities without any discomfort while wearing the smart neck gaiter.


The results show that the cooling and heating functions of the smart neck gaiter help to regulate the dog's body temperature.


Conclusion / Implications

Unlike the existing passive temperature control products, the proposed smart neck gaiter can actively regulate the dog's body temperature using a Peltier module.


Additionally, this study presents a new paradigm of washable textile-based smart pet wearable products that is different from the existing accessory-type pet wearable products.

* 정보 출처 : 한국학술지인용색인 (KCI)

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