티스토리 뷰
이 기사는 새로운 자동 개 배변판인 PUPEE BOARD에 관한 것입니다. 일회용 오줌 패드의 문제점과 PUPEE BOARD가 더 위생적인 솔루션을 제공하는 방법에 대해 논의합니다. PUPEE BOARD는 개가 화장실을 사용할 때를 감지하는 센서를 사용한 다음 배설물을 씻어냅니다. PUPEE 앱을 사용하면 사용자는 배변 습관을 기반으로 개 건강을 모니터링할 수 있습니다. PUPEE BOARD의 제작자는 제품이 일회용 오줌 패드보다 더 편리하고 환경 친화적이라고 믿습니다. - 편집자 주 -
PUPEE BOARD, a brand new smart self-cleaning dog potty, will be launched on INDIEGOGO. PUPEE BOARD will be available for pre-order starting on April 20th. (Detailed information on PUPEE BOARD is on here.)
Gamja n Company (GNCO), a hardware startup from South Korea, has finally found an ideal solution for cleaning dog waste and eliminating unpleasant odors at home.
After garnering awards in several competitions hosted by the Korean government with its brilliant idea, GNCO will launch PUPEE BOARD, a brand new smart self-cleaning dog potty, on INDIEGOGO.
Unlike the synthetic disposable pee pads currently on the market, PUPEE BOARD washes the dog’s urine and drains it into the sewage system. Users can set the optimized cleaning mode via PUPEE app.
The process is simple but smart. Once your dog steps on the PUPEE BOARD and does his/her business, its elaborate sensor array - 8 weight sensors, 2 liquid sensors, and a motion sensor - collects signals and the MCU initiates flushing and draining based on its patent-pending G-matrix Algorithm.
At the same time, users can keep track of their dog’s health information such as weight changes and the time and duration of urination and defecation via the PUPEE mobile app. The PUPEE app even provides users with medical advice for their dogs based on the data.
Thanks to its efficient energy management, its powerful and stable rechargeable battery can power the PUPEE BOARD for up to 40 days on a single charge. Users can check the battery lifespan through the app.
"I realized billions of disposable pee pads are thrown away into nature and that there has been no other alternative solution for decades," said Tylor Lee, Co-founder of GNCO. "It is ironic that people still have to place down pads and mop the floor while living in the most automated world in history. With PUPEE BOARD, we are changing the paradigm on how we handle dog waste."
Having grown up with dogs, the crew of GNCO understands what dogs are fond of and afraid of. With its low 38mm height, PUPEE BOARD provides easy access for small dogs. Moreover, the integrated parallel bar-shaped deck prevents the dog’s nails from getting trapped.
What’s more, inspired by Zen Style, PUPEE BOARD not only harmonizes with its surroundings but suggests a practical method for disposing of all types of dog poop.
PUPEE BOARD will be available for pre-order starting on April 20th, 2022.
Additional information about PUPEE BOARD can be found on the campaign page and YouTube video.