More Than Half of Campers Bring Their Dogs (And Some Bring Cats)

편집자 주

이 기사는 반려동물과 함께 캠핑하는 방법에 대한 내용입니다. 가장 인기 있는 반려동물은 개이지만 고양이, 닭, 박스 거북이, 기니피그, 앵무새도 캠핑에 적합합니다. 캠핑장 시설은 점점 더 반려동물 친화적으로 변하고 있으며, 2023년에는 반려견 공원이 세 번째로 많이 요청된 편의 시설이었습니다. RV 캠퍼는 텐트 캠퍼보다 반려동물과 함께 캠핑할 가능성이 더 높습니다. 반려동물과 함께 캠핑하는 것의 장점은 반려동물과 반려인의 유대감을 강화하고 함께 야외를 경험할 수 있다는 것입니다. 워싱턴 주에는 반려견과 고양이를 데리고 캠핑을 하는 비율이 가장 높습니다.


Photo Credit: The Dyrt camper Brandy C. at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee


The Dyrt, the No. 1 app for camping availability, photos and reviews, has found that more than half of campers camped with dogs in 2023. The Dyrt's 2024 Camping Report presented by The All-New Toyota Tacoma revealed that 53.7% of campers brought their pooches to the campsite last year.


While dogs are by far the most popular pet to camp with, 5.8% of respondents said they went camping with cats. Other campers reported bringing along chickens, box turtles, guinea pigs and parrots.


While dogs are by far the most popular pet to camp with, 5.8% of respondents said they went camping with cats. Other campers reported bringing along chickens, box turtles, guinea pigs and parrots.


"We often run The Dyrt remotely from our camper van and Brandy, aka The Dyrt Dog, is with us for every mile," says Sarah Smith, founder of The Dyrt. "Sometimes it seems like she has to pack more gear than us, but it's so amazing to have her with us 24/7 as we work and enjoy campgrounds across the country."


Property owners and campground managers worked to accommodate dogs as well as campers in 2023. Dog parks were the third-most popular amenity to be added to campgrounds, behind only Wi-Fi and pickleball courts. And non-human companions are especially prevalent in the RV camping community, as RV campers were 20.8% more likely to camp with pets.


"I love taking my dog Lola with me camping because to me it reminds me of the quintessential Americana where an individual is hiking on a trail or sleeping under the stars with their beloved friend," says The Dyrt camper Steven M. of Utah. "When Lola sees me packing up the camper and truck, she starts her little zoomies happy dance. The bond we share while out in nature or in the middle of nowhere is priceless. Also, camping and dogs go together like pancakes and syrup!"


Bringing dogs and cats on camping trips was most prevalent in Washington, where campers were 8% more likely to camp with dogs and 24% more likely to camp with cats.


Each year The Dyrt presents the Top 9 for K-9s list of best places to camp with dogs, largely based on reviews and amenities tailored to the tailed. The 2024 list will be released in July. There are more than 12 million reviews of 70,000 campgrounds on The Dyrt, and some of them include dog- and pet-specific information that is extremely helpful for planning camping trips when being accompanied by four-legged friends.

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2019년 1월 10일 |