BARK and Zillow Announce America's Most Dog-Obessed Cities for Renters

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이 기사는 미국에서 가장 임대인과 반려견에게 친화적인 도시에 대한 내용입니다. 또한 다양한 도시에서 인기 있는 견종과 이름을 다룹니다. 상위 3개의 개 애호가 도시는 댈러스, 오스틴, 샌안토니오입니다. 골든 리트리버, 래브라도 리트리버, 아메리칸 피트불 테리어, 오스트레일리안 셰퍼드는 인기 있는 견종종입니다. 프렌치 불독은 뉴욕시에서 가장 인기 있는 품종입니다.


  • Dallas named #1 most dog-obsessed city in the U.S., proving the bigger the hair, the closer to DOGS


Most Dog-Obessed Cities for Renters


BARK (NYSE: BARK), a leading global omnichannel dog brand with a mission to make all dogs happy, has teamed up with real estate marketplace Zillow to determine the top 10 cities to find dog-friendly rentals in the United States.


BARK combined its thirteen years' worth of dog data, based on BarkBox and Super Chewer subscribers, with Zillow’s extensive database of pet-friendly rentals to identify the cities that are obsessed with dogs, as well as the dog names and breeds that residents will most likely call “neighbor.”


A few of the most interesting takeaways include:

  • Even dog obsession is bigger in Texas: Dallas, Austin and San Antonio took the top three spots for most dog-obsessed cities.
  • United States of Retrievers: Unsurprisingly, Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are among the most popular dog breeds in the top dog-friendly cities. Other popular breeds include American Pit Bull Terriers and Australian Shepherds.
  • New Yorkers love the French (Bulldogs): In New York City, French Bulldogs are the most popular breed, and it's the only city to have French Bulldogs as the most popular breed.
  • If you hear someone yell 'BEAR!' at a dog park, it might be a… DOG: Bear is the most popular name for dogs in cities such as Indianapolis, Phoenix and Jacksonville.


"At BARK, we embrace that dogs are part of the family, and finding a home or apartment that is dog-friendly is at the top of dog people’s minds," said Dave Stangle, VP of Brand Marketing at BARK. "We teamed up with Zillow to show dog parents the most dog-obsessed cities in the country, and where they can find rentals that are rolling out the welcome mat (and toys) for dogs."


"The number of dog parents in the U.S. skyrocketed during the pandemic as people shifted to working from home, which really spotlighted the need for dog-friendly rentals," said Emily McDonald, Zillow’s rental trends expert. "In collaboration with BARK, we've pinpointed cities that are particularly welcoming to dogs. Renters with dogs can face tough competition for a limited number of suitable rentals, but our findings highlight where the search might be easier."


Learn more about BarkBox and Super Chewer, BARK's monthly themed subscriptions of clever toys and treats, at Renters looking to sign a new lease can filter through pet-friendly apartments tailored to your dog's size, from Dachshunds to St. Bernards, all available on Zillow Rentals.



BARK's data was compiled from over thirteen years of subscription data for BarkBox and Super Chewer, filtered by dog breed and dog name. Zillow's data was determined by analyzing the share of pet-friendly rentals in the largest 25 cities by population size in the U.S.

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2019년 1월 10일 |